According to Reuters, Angela Merkel's visit to Athens had been successful with a "red carpet treatment" from the people of that struggling EU member. The trip aimed to bring commitment and connection with the state and to reinforce Germany's support on Prime Minister Antoni Samaras on economic and political reforms in the country.

However, the trip had also been a display of demonstrations and protests among Greek people. To be remembered, it was Merkel who stopped the bail-out from EU for the Greek state. Instead of the 200 Billion Euros bail-out, Merkel initiated a cut.

Demonstrations burned German and Nazi flags. In words for the Greek, Merkel resounded her appeal of understanding for the austerity measures that must be imposed across the entire union. She expected and hoped for Greece to remain a strong member of the European Union amidst the growing coldness of Greek people toward the Union.

Recently, the International Monetary Fund issued a report detailing the dismal growth of economies across the Union. There are still prevalent problems that should be solved by EU members. The IMF foresees growth across the economy if the EU will work on solving clear economic and political issues across the EU zone.

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